How to Choose a Company to Work For

Things to Consider When Choosing a Company to Work For

When looking for a new role, it’s important to not only convince the employer that they want to hire you, but also to figure out if you want to work for them. If you’re in the middle of the job search process, here are nine things to consider when choosing a company to work for.


One of the easiest ways to compare two prospective employers is by looking at the salaries they offer. Think about your financial and lifestyle goals. Will the pay be enough to allow you to reach them comfortably?


But salary isn’t the only aspect of compensation to consider. There are myriad other things a company can offer in terms of employee benefits — such as healthcare, discounts, retirement contributions, and more. Take these into account alongside your wage to know what you’ll really be getting out of the job.

Work-life balance

Everyone has their own level of work-life balance, and it’s important to find a company that is able to help you meet yours. Know beforehand if you’ll be expected to stay late, work over weekends, or constantly be on call, to make sure the levels of work vs life correspond to your needs.


Does one company require a longer commute than the other? Is there an option to work remote? Consider where each office is, whether you’ll be required to go in, and what daily commutes will look like. Even if a company has a high salary, you may end up spending a lot for gas, or losing too much time commuting every day.


Both large and small companies have positives and negatives. Things like available benefits, team interactions, and the range of skills you’ll have an opportunity to pick up can all vary based on how big the organization is.

Mission and values

Before signing on, you want to make sure the company you’ll be joining has a mission you agree with and values that align with your own. After all, you’ll be investing a good deal of time and effort in working towards them. Take a look at the company website to learn more about these, so you can get an idea of whether they’re a fit for you and if you’ll feel comfortable in a job that aligns with them.


When you went in for the interview, did other employees look overworked, stressed, or bored? Or did you get a sense that people enjoyed being there? Additionally, be sure to ask interviewers about the culture and their thoughts about working for the company to better understand if it’s a good match for you.


Ideally, you’ll want to work for an employer with a good reputation. Maybe they’re a leader or rising star in the field. Maybe they’ve won awards or have positive reviews. Check out what others say about them online and any news stories about them to get a feeling for if they’re the type of organization you’d be proud to be a part of.

Growth opportunities

Presumably, your goal is not to remain stagnant in your career. Will your prospective company provide you with the chance to build skills, gain new experience, and progress in your field? Ask whether they offer education resources, mentorships, or other opportunities for professional growth.

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