
How to Find the Best Cosmetology Schools

Our mission here at Climb Credit isn’t just to offer financing to attend career training programs. It’s to provide people with all the tools and information they need in order to make the best decisions for them. We want you to reach your career goals — so, if you’re considering working in the cosmetology field, but are unsure of where to get trained, we’ve got you covered. Below, we have five places where you can get all the information you need on how to find the best cosmetology schools, what trends are happening in the cosmetology industry, and much more!

1. Cosmetology-license.com

At Cosmetology-license.com, you can find lots of information on getting your cosmetology license — including state licensing requirements, job descriptions, cosmetology and nail technique descriptions, and a database of beauty schools.

2. Cosmetology Career Now

Cosmetology Career Now provides not only a searchable database of beauty schools, but also career descriptions, resource articles, and even free practice tests.

Best Cosmetology Schools

3. Beauty Schools Directory

Beauty Schools Directory also has lots of resources for aspiring cosmetologists, including a school locator, career information, training and license requirements, a blog, and a list of scholarships.

4. Beauty Pros

Next, we have Beauty Pros — here, you can browse schools by state as well as read up on the cosmetology industry. They also have a form you can fill out to get matched with a school that best fits your interests, experience, and location.

One thought on “How to Find the Best Cosmetology Schools

  1. It’s nice to know that it’s easy enough to find a database of schools that offer a cosmetology program. My sister is thinking about studying under that field someday because cosmetics has always been her hobby. Getting to do something she is very familiar with for her career might be a good call.

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