Find Lineman Schools

Where to Find Lineman Schools

Here at Climb, our mission isn’t just to offer payment options to attend career training programs. It’s to help ensure people have the tools and information they need in order to make the right decisions for them. We want you to reach your career and your financial goals — so if you’re considering pursuing a career as a lineman, but are unsure of where to get trained, we’ve got you covered. Below, we have four places where you can get all the information you need on what lineman schools are nearby, which one might be best for you, what trends are happening in the industry, and much more!

Lineman Central

Lineman Central provides not only a list of lineman training programs by state. They also have reviews and information on gear, local unions, and a job board to help you along in your career.

Trade Schools, Colleges, and Universities

At trade-schools.net, you can find a list of lineman schools by zip code, in-depth information on what to expect from your training, as well details about what a lineman career looks like and the industry’s outlook in the coming years!

Alexander Publications

Alexander Publications produces physical and digital training materials for lineman. Additionally, they also have available on their site a resource page to help prospective lineman locate schools in North America by region.


Similar to Alexander Publications, Altec primarily focuses on other kinds of resources — in this case, providing products and services — but also includes on their site a list of schools organized by state along with a brief description of each!

Where to Find Lineman Schools

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