Schools do not endorse loans originated by Climb InvestCo, LLC, and Climb InvestCo, LLC is not affiliated with any school. Climb encourages students to do thorough research in selecting a training program that meets their unique needs. Details provided by Climb are for information purposes only and are not meant to qualify an institution or be relied upon in determining which institution is right for you.
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To check the rates and terms you qualify for and your eligibility, Climb conducts a soft credit pull that will not affect your credit score. Once a loan is accepted and funded, we will request your full credit report from one or more consumer reporting agencies, which is considered a hard credit pull and may affect your credit.
Climb Credit works with over 450 schools and has helped over 80,000 people advance their careers
We work with over 450 schools
Over 80,000 students have chosen a Climb Loan
Helping learners access career training since 2014
Career-focused education is only a few steps away!
See what payment options are available for your program
There is no obligation to accept the terms of the loan
We pay your school directly once they confirm enrollment
Still have questions? See our full FAQ
devCodeCamp Loans | Climb Credit