Prime Digital Academy

How Prime Digital Academy Helped Courtney Shape Her Career and Her Life

Before enrolling in Prime Digital Academy’s Fullstack Software Engineering program, Courtney Overby was working as an order processor at the Hallmark Distribution Center Liberty, MO. How did this program help change the trajectory of her career path — and of her life in general? We got a chance to talk to Courtney about her experience at Prime and where it’s brought her to today.

Courtney decided she was ready for a new career.

She first got the idea to attend Prime after her older brother went through the program. He “started talking with [her] about what it is he did for a living,” and between the program and the outcomes, everything clicked.

Once she decided to enroll, though, the next question was how to cover the cost — in the end, she opted for a student loan. “I got a loan through Climb because it was the most convenient option for me,” Courtney says, “seeing as Prime is such an intense course and being able to get that extra money for living expenses was very beneficial. The process through Climb was very easy and made starting school full-time a lot less stressful!”

Once she got the financing from Climb, she was ready to start her program.

Throughout her time in the classroom, she was able to see the benefits not only to her skills as a developer, but to life skills that she’s able to use every day: “Prime taught me that our expectations for ourselves often don’t match the expectations others set for us. For example, while I was stressing, feeling behind, and trying to learn everything all at once because I felt like I had to, my instructors only needed me to grow at my pace, not everyone else’s.”

Was there one specific aspect that especially stood out? For Courtney, that would be their group projects, where they were able to work with local nonprofits in the area. Her group in particular “got to design an amazing web application for Wayside Waifs!” But her time in the program building skills, working with her classmates, and building web applications wasn’t the only positive experience.

After the program, she began the job search process — which she describes as “amazing!”

According to Courtney, “Prime Digital Academy really sets students up for success once they graduate. By the time I had even presented my final project, our resumes, sample cover letters, and nearly everything else was set and ready for us to apply thanks to the amazing instructors who taught us best!”

Now, she currently has a new career creating custom WordPress themes for clients — but the change is so much deeper than that. “My life has gotten exponentially better since graduating! Not just because of the money, but because Prime stretched and molded me into a better developer and an even better person!” Courtney says. And these days, if she could go back in time and give herself any advice, she’d say one thing: “not to stress so much and have more faith in myself because once I applied, I was already halfway where I wanted to be!”

Courtney is a client of Climb’s. However, she was not paid or otherwise compensated for this testimonial. This testimonial reflects the real-life experiences and opinions of Courtney; however, it should not be assumed that all users will have the same experiences. Individual results may vary.

The quoted statements appear verbatim as given by the user, except for the correction of grammar and typing errors. Some testimonials may have been shortened or rearranged for the sake of clarity.

Schools do not endorse loans originated by Climb Investco, LLC, and Climb Investco, LLC is not affiliated with any school. Climb Investco, LLC is the loan distributor, not Prime Digital Academy.

Climb encourages students to do thorough research in selecting a training program that meets their unique needs. Details provided by Climb are for information purposes only and are not meant to qualify an institution or be relied upon in determining which institution is right for you.

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