Brenton 2020

Climb Credit Student Story: General Assembly Graduate Brenton Laws

Here at Climb, we’re very lucky. We get an opportunity to watch smart, talented, driven people make their ways along a path to change their lives for the better—whether by just starting out on secondary education, switching careers to a lifelong passion, or taking additional courses to supplement their current job. We got a chance to hear from one student, Brenton Laws, who worked with us to finance his General Assembly education. Now, he’s made the switch from architecture to web design and currently works at Amazon as a UX designer. Check out the video below to hear a bit more from Brenton about his experience!

Brenton is a client of Climb’s. However, he was not paid or otherwise compensated for this testimonial. This testimonial reflects the real-life experiences and opinions of Brenton; however, it should not be assumed that all users will have the same experiences. Individual results may vary.

This testimonial appears verbatim as given by the user, except for the correction of grammar and typing errors. Some testimonials may have been shortened or rearranged for the sake of clarity.

Schools do not endorse loans originated by Climb Investco, LLC, and Climb Investco, LLC is not affiliated with any school. Climb Investco, LLC is the loan distributor, not General Assembly.

Climb encourages students to do thorough research in selecting a training program that meets their unique needs. Details provided by Climb are for information purposes only and are not meant to qualify an institution or be relied upon in determining which institution is right for you.

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