Last month, we partnered with Zollege and Snap Medical Assistant Academy to provide over $250,000 in scholarships to aspiring medical assistants. Through their applications, we got the opportunity to learn more about why they want to pursue a medical assistant certification, their goals and how this program can help achieve them, and the impact they hope to have in the healthcare field. Below, we have just a handful of some of our favorite responses!
Why are you interested in becoming medical assistants?
“As a child I wanted to either be a nurse or social worker, like my mother. At an early age she taught me the importance in caring for and helping other people, and as Christians we are called to be of service to mankind. I ultimately decided to pursue a career in social work and have been doing so for 17 years. However, many many times I have questioned my choice and badly wanted to change over to healthcare. I made several attempts through community colleges, trade schools and a local university, but unfortunately I was unable to commit to the full-time schedule … I sought employment in hospitals as a way to be a part of the healthcare system working alongside caring professionals and thoroughly enjoyed it. After prompting from unit nurses and doctors I began to search for a program once again … Then COVID-19 affected the city and businesses left and right, but as a hospital employee I was deemed essential. Very abruptly the hospital laid off several employees due to the pandemic, myself included. Initially I was terrified, but I soon realized that I finally had the opportunity to go to school and enter a field I have long been excited for.”
“Ever since I had a son born with a heart condition, I have wanted to enter the medical field to make a difference in people’s lives just like all of his nurses and doctors did for me. For a long time now I have felt that I am not in the right line of work but have not had the means to be able to go back to school, so I would love the opportunity to be able to do so.”
“I have always wanted to become a medical assistant. I really enjoy helping and taking care of people. I feel it would be the perfect job to get my foot in the door in the medical field. It would give me a variety of different areas to work in so that I could see which area is the best fit for me. Having 4 small children, I can’t really work long irregular hours, and most medical assistants work in clinics with standard business hours which would be best for me right now. It would also give me job stability since the medical assistant field is growing.”
“I just want to learn more about the medical field and to help others who need help. I want to be a part of a rewarding profession where patients will appreciate what you do. I will have lots of direct patient access, and my skills, training, and compassion can all make a difference in someone else’s life and in the lives of those they love — including mine”
“I have always wanted to work in the healthcare industry. Before my current job, I was a PRN Registrar in the ER the night shift with St. Davids Hospital in Austin. My dream is to gain knowledge and skills to become an RN. I love to help others and being there for them. I have gained some personal knowledge and skills, as my brother in law is a quadriplegic and I had helped with his care. I realized the healthcare field was my passion. I want to help people and be an aid in their care. Medical assistants are hands-on health workers, providing direct care to patients. It takes a tolerant, patient, and caring manner, which is important in providing patient care to me … The Medical Assistant is often the first, and the last, face the patient sees during their medical visit. I want to be that face the patients see.”
“I’m interested in becoming a medical assistant because it will be a step in the right direction into the healthcare industry … I enjoy being of service to others and meeting their needs. I hope to use those same skills as a medical assistant. I can be employed fairly quickly in this role, and in a variety of settings. I’m looking for a fulfilling career that is stable and for me becoming a medical assistant is it!”

How will this program affect the next chapter of your life — where do you hope it will take your career in five years?
“This problem would have a very positive impact on my life as well as my children’s life. In the next 5 years, I would love to be working at a physicians office or a hospital where I can take the knowledge I acquired from this program and use it to help others.”
“I am preparing to apply to medical school in the next year. Being a medical assistant will provide invaluable experience to help me as a doctor.”
“As a single parent, this program can assist me tremendously. It can provide sufficient income for my kids and me. Also, I can see growth from my employer, climbing the ladder to advance to a stage where I can assume managerial duties and perhaps have a say in product strategy. Above all, I want to work in a health field where it is possible to build a long- term career.”
“I want to be self-sufficient, and have the type of career that offers multiple areas of advancement and education. I want a career in a field that is ever-changing and that provides stability. I am not sure what area of the medical field I want to be in within the next five years, but I do know that I want it to be in the healthcare arena.”
“This program will help me enhance my life, being a mom of two young boys. Showing them to never give up on your dreams. I would like to be employed at my current place of employment and apply for the hall director, which requires a medical assistant degree or training.”
“This program will affect the next chapter of my life by showing my daughter if mom can do it at 33 she can do it too. She will be starting 9the grade this August. I hope my career will take me to a pediatrician office because I love children.”

How will training to become medical assistants help you make an impact on your local healthcare system?
“During this trying time, I have seen how fulfilled my sister has been at her job as a medical assistant at a local low-income clinic. I would like to be involved in helping bring medical assistance to all ages, races, and income during this time when so many people are falling on financial hardship.”
“I believe that everyone deserves the best healthcare possible, and it is the duty of health professionals to provide relief and comfort to all humans regardless of their personal beliefs, race, or gender. Unfortunately, my family has had several experiences where the healthcare they received was not ideal due to communication issues. I can imagine how many other immigrants who struggle with language have also not received the best healthcare possible. My ability to speak both English and Spanish fluently would be an excellent asset for any medical professional and would help provide more individuals in the Houston area with better health services. I would make it my duty that all patients I see receive nothing less than exceptional healthcare.”
“Growing up I was heavily impacted by a specialist/ob-gyn to grow within the medical field, and now I believe I am ready to learn half of her legacy of being such a caring person towards patients.”
“Just given the opportunity would invigorate a sense of community in me. Knowing there are people out there wanting to aid in the success of other people’s dreams is truly inspiring. I’ve lived in Austin almost ten years, and seeing the city grow only makes me want to serve the people more. The current state of the world with COVID-19 is so scary, and I’m ready to help in any way I can. Clearly, we need boots on the ground, and I’m ready to lace up.”
“Medical assistants are the healthcare professionals responsible for making sure the needs of patients are met. And in today’s busy health care environment, doctors rely more and more on the skills and contributions that are inherent in a qualified medical assistant. I feel we carry a lot of responsibility around the office hospital and that we keep our patients happy.”
“The healthcare system now more than ever needs qualified professionals to enter the workforce. If I receive this scholarship, it will help me have an impact on my local healthcare system by giving me the tools and knowledge I need ND that I can couple with the skills I already possess. Being a veteran gives me life skills that I can apply to the healthcare system, which include the ability to make decisions under pressure, listening skills, and the drive to excel. These skills, along with my compassion for people and the desire to help, will have an enormous impact on my local healthcare system. There are many ways someone can make an impact, but this opportunity is a direct way that I can help. I will be able to work in clinics or even hospitals and be able to apply the skills that I learned through this academy enabling me to make a change in someone’s life.”
Want to learn more about how you can get certified alongside these prospective medical assistants?
Quotes appear verbatim as given by the users, except for the correction of grammar and typing errors.