Climb Credit's Student Success Stories

How a CDL from 160 Driving Academy Is Helping Billy Reach His Career Goals
After moving to the US and encountering some drawbacks in traditional higher education, Billy Bosco began work as a delivery driver based in Bolivar, Missouri,

How Kassandra Uehling Transformed Her Life Using Ironhack’s UX/UI Design Bootcamp
One word that could be used to describe Kassandra Uehling is “capable.” With multiple burdens on her and seemingly no way to lift the financial

How Matthew Marchand Used a Coding Bootcamp to Find His Dream Career
In 2020, Matthew Marchand was a barista and professional musician in Los Angeles. How did he make a career switch into coding? We got a

Toni’s Journey Outside Her Comfort Zone — and Into a New Career — Through Skill Distillery
We all, at one point or another, have faced imposter syndrome and the fear that we won’t have what it takes to make it in

How Adam Used a Flatiron Coding Bootcamp to Find His Dream Career
While living in Winooski, Vermont, Adam Shappy found an opportunity for a career switch when he was laid off from his previous job. After an

Connor Sullivan’s Career Transformation From Digital Marketing Analyst to Software Developer
Living in Jacksonville, Florida, Connor Sullivan was then working at a marketing agency as a digital marketing analyst. How did he go from a marketing

How Prime Digital Academy Helped Courtney Shape Her Career and Her Life
Before enrolling in Prime Digital Academy’s Fullstack Software Engineering program, Courtney Overby was working as an order processor at the Hallmark Distribution Center Liberty, MO.

How Christine Tayaba Used a General Assembly UX Design Bootcamp to Make a Career Switch
In the midst of a sales career for the biotech and pharmaceutical industry, Christine Tayaba realized it was time to make a change. After being

How Natalie Dinkins Used Wyncode Academy to Find Her Dream Career in Project Management
Working as a program manager for an energy conservation company in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Natalie Dinkins suddenly found herself placed in an incredibly unfortunate situation

How an M.Ed. in Instructional Design and Technology Helped Zerifa Reach Her Career Goals
Before she and her family moved to North Carolina in 2015, Zerifa was living in Jamaica (where she’s originally from) and working as a teacher.

Student Success Story: Ironhack Graduate Juan Grajales
From working at the Apple Store’s Genius Bar while finishing his engineering degree at Florida International University (FIU) to working as a TA at Ironhack

How Heavy Equipment Colleges Grad Jo Martin Built Skills and Found His Passion
Jo Martin wasn’t exactly a stranger to heavy equipment operations before taking a course at Heavy Equipment Colleges of America’s Georgia campus — he operated

Climb Credit Student Success Story: General Assembly Grad Jack Henson
Learn how a General Assembly UX Design program helped Jack find his dream career!

Climb Credit Student Success Story: Code Fellows Graduate Christy La Guardia
Christy La Guardia faced a big change in her life. After attending Code Fellows in Portland (now Alchemy Code Lab), she was able to make sure these changes were for the better.

Climb Credit Student Success Story: Software Guild Graduate John Kachurek
Is a coding bootcamp worth it? Check out John review of Software Guild and Climb Credit to learn about his journey to web development!

Climb Credit Student Success Story: DevMountain Graduate Kyle Grieder
After attending DevMountain’s coding bootcamp, Kyle found himself on a whole new career path — web developer!

How American College of Education Helped Ivey Homer Grow in Her Career
Ivey Homer received an advanced degree from a Climb partner school, American College of Education (ACE), to help her advance her educational technology practices and her career.

Student Story: Jake’s Experience at West Coast Training
Learn about one student’s experience in his West Coast Training program!

Student Story: Heavy Equipment Graduate Elliott Jones
Hear from Elliott about his experience taking a Heavy Equipment Colleges program!

Climb Credit Student Interview: Galvanize Graduate Luis Rocha
After graduating from Galvanize’s coding bootcamp, Luis Rocha went on to land a front-end developer job at San Diego-based digital marketing and web development firm The Control Group. We spoke with Luis to get his insights about how his time at Galvanize impacted where he is now.

Climb Credit Student Interview: Galvanize Graduate David Sudia
As part of his transition from education to engineering, David Sudia took a full-time, Climb-financed boot camp at Galvanize. Now, he’s a Software Engineer for Fanatics in Colorado.